Cobra video vintage gay movies

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Lockhart looked sweet onscreen, but being in porn had hardened him. Kocis, by contrast, reportedly cleared $2 million a year. Kocis was paying Lockhart only $2,000 per sex scene - about the industry standard - for a handful of scenes each year. A lot of boys just show up to a shoot and ask, ‘Where do you want me to stick it?’ and ‘When do I get my check?'”īut as Lockhart’s fan base expanded, Kocis faced a problem: The young star wanted to strikeout on his own. He has a pretty dick and a great ass, and even though he looks underage, he’s no innocent boy. “On set, he always acts like a brand-new porn star, with great energy and charisma. “Brent looks like a fifteen-year-old boy, which is what a lot of the older men who buy gay porn like,” says Chris Steele, a veteran director. One film, Schoolboy Crush, was the most downloaded gay video in 2004. The DVDs and downloads of Lockhart - who went by nom de screen Brent Corrigan - quickly became top sellers in the industry.

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