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Whether rendered in “buttery” lambskin, slippery silk or “tough” snakeskin, they stimulate the senses in ways the cotton sweats of the WFH era cannot. Benson, a marketing director in Edmonton, Alberta, started emulating 1970s rock stars and “Boogie Nights” extras because he likes not just the look but the sensual feel of these finds.

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These slithery numbers joined other items with a whiff of debauchery in his wardrobe: a prowl of silky animal-print shirts (tiger, leopard) crocodile-embossed-leather loafers and olive-green leather pants from the in-house line of Swedish store Très Bien.

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SIX MONTHS AGO Justin Benson, 38, purchased a pair of boots in faux-snakeskin with cream-and-black scales.

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